Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hero Triptych finished, New brushes testing

Greetings everyone!

I've had a long holiday so I've been able to get a lot of things worked on for paintings. Here's the final version of three heroes.

At the same time, I was searching for other brushes to use in photoshop. In time I'll probably make more of my own, but being I'm working on a new version (since late 2014) of Photoshop than I used before and a new computer, I didn't have my old brushes saved. Starting over, I decided to just download some free ones. I've been testing some of them out. Here's a test painting of a bat, using a couple of them. The bat in my photo reference is hanging from a cage above him, but I left that part out.

Until next time!
- Alexander

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Painting, full quality

Greetings to everyone watching, reading and viewing my blog.

I wasn't aware that the quality of the video would be downsized when uploading it to the blog. (My first blog video post). Anywho, here's the full quality photo of the finished painting, without the progress shots. There was also a section that got cut off in the video production thing. Maybe I'll look into better video software than the Windows Movie Maker.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time!
- Alexander

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!


Now, I don't normally do this kind of thing (holiday paintings), but I guess this year ended up being kinda special in that sense. Please enjoy this video of still photo progress of a painting I was working on, ending with the final result.

Until next time.
Enjoy your holiday!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Shade, New painting


I don't know about any of you other painters out there, but sometimes I have to focus on a few different paintings/sketches to stay focused on longer pieces with lots of detail. That's what I've been doing while painting this Fantasy cave painting. I've made some progress, see below

but I've also started some other projects. I started to re-do a bunch of comic style heroes that I had ideas for back in high school. But now that I can paint better, I decided to revamp them in my modern style(s). Here's a couple character designs I've completed.

And here, a triptych of 3 heroes that I'm still in progress with.

Ok, well that's all for now.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time!
- Alex D.